The Encyclopedia Sonnetica

Some Things Seem Eternal in Palestine

Some Things Seem Eternal in Palestine Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem The melding rests here drying in the sun. The mix has cinnamon and cloves thrown in Among the pink and purple petals.  Spun Among them...


NØught Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Kierkegaard   As faintly as the cosmos feels our breath, It feels our hearts much less, that’s if it reads At all their beats.  Significance Macbeth, As hardened in...

The First and Usually Unspoken Rule of Great Writing

The First and Usually Unspoken Rule of Great Writing Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The greatest rule of writing is to tell A truth, the truth if possible, within The scope of lines set out, to sound...