Wind and Water Cleave and Cleave

Wind and Water Cleave and Cleave

Wind and Water Cleave and Cleave Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem .. We know that wind is spirit life.  The wind Is God in symbol, and the angels, too, And demons, angels with God’s demons twinned....

Their Final Pathetic Option

Their Final Pathetic Option “It is therefore necessary to give orders, not only to poets, but also to all artists and craftsmen, that they should portray the image of goodness in their works and avoid everything that is ugly and bad…”. ~ Penelope Murray, Plato on...

Robin Redbreast Rex

Robin Redbreast Rex Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem A recent scientific study found That birds are dinosaurs. These creatures are Not merely cousins of those monsters bound For mass extinction. That...