Lunar Martyr

        Lunar Martyr

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

He thought of just this one, this one, this one

— Again — Again — AGAIN — as if insane

With love, or something, powerfully as a gun

That blasts away at skull and gushed out brain

And blood, brain matter, something, splacked out gray,

Unworthy, though, since only reverence

Was worth destruction, worthy as his prey.

No other quarry but the severance

Of God and all that’s holy from man’s life

Would serve.  If not a shotgun, then some threat

Of woe, perhaps a shogun’s moon-shaped knife,

Could slaughter where his love and turmoil met.

  And what would he perceive could form the prize?

    He wanted hate and love to canonize.

Phillip Whidden