How to Navigate this Sonnet Encyclopedia

Almost without exception, each article (sonnet or group of sonnets) in this encyclopedia has a heading that begins with a word or phrase that is the main topic of the article.  This is followed by a colon and then the actual title of the sonnet.  For example, the article might have a heading which reads ORPHEUS:  Invisible Ivory MusicORPHEUS is main topic of the sonnet and Invisible Ivory Music is the sonnet’s title.

The encyclopedia is arranged alphabetically by the headings of the entries (such as Aardvark or Korean Music) and under the titles of the sonnets. Yes, all the “articles” or “entries” in this encyclopedia are sonnets. Since most of the sonnets have titles, you can find one by its title if you have read it before and remember that title.

A topic word of phrase

Or you can simply search on this site for a topic word (such as Aardvark; or Love; or Religion; or Sadomasochism; or Sex; or Violence; or War) or two or three words (such as Korean Court Music; le Musée Cluny; or Friedrich Nietzsche; or Paul Verlaine; or String Theory) for the subject you want to find.


Most of the sonnets have what are called “tags.” They help you find the subject you want even if you do not know the title of the sonnet. For instance, if you can’t remember the name of the famous Indian emperor you want to find a sonnet about, you can instead search for “India” or “Ancient India.” If you do that, at least some of the sonnets you are guided to will be about that emperor, Ashoka.

The encyclopedia is arranged alphabetically by the headings of the entries (such as Aardvark or Korean Music) and under the titles of the sonnets. Yes, all the “articles” or “entries” in this encyclopedia are sonnets. Since most of the sonnets have titles, you can find one by its title if you have read it before and remember that title.

Topics by a single word or phrase

Or you can simply search on this site for a topic word (such as Aardvark; or Love; or Religion; or Sadomasochism; or Sex; or Violence; or War) or two or three words (such as Korean Court Music; le Musée Cluny; or Friedrich Nietzsche; or Paul Verlaine; or String Theory) for the subject you want to find.

How to Navigate the Sonnet Encyclopedia

Simply search on this site for the word (such as Aardvark; or Love; or Religion; or Sadomasochism; or Sex; or Violence; or War) or two or three words (such as Korean Court Music; le Musée Cluny; or Friedrich Nietzsche; or Paul Verlaine; or String Theory) for the subject you want to find. Once you find it, there will be (just as in most encyclopedias) guidance about how to find other entries related to the one you searched for

The encyclopedia is arranged alphabetically by the headings of the entries (such as Aardvark or Korean Music) and the entries (all of them sonnets) will be under those headings. Yes, all the “articles” or “entries” in this encyclopedia are sonnets. Most of the sonnets have titles, so you can find one by its title if you read it before and remember the title.