Magnanimity:  Mourning Gladstone Finally Offers a Peerage to Tennyson and Finally the Mourning Poet Accepts It

Were I to Believe in Angels’ Songs

Were I to Believe in Angels’ Songs If angels, each one, had a message they Would sing to us, would each charge be the same, A Kyrie, an Adoramus te, Or Gloria?  No, that would be too tame. I’m thinking every one would be unique, Each text and melody enough to...

New Use for a Hive Tool

     New Use for a Hive Tool I cannot recommend an afternoon In bee yards—sun, sweat, stink of carbolic Fumes, not to mention hotness of harpoon Stings, each delivering vitriolic Intensity of hatred, or the stench Of burned...

Alone and Unsupported

   Alone and Unsupported Within our little lifetimes heroes rose More great than Heracles, and greater than Achilles’ myth.  John Glenn and Yuri froze Out Jason in his little Argo.  Man Leapt up beyond the earth, up past the sky, Beyond the stratosphere, where...