

Affirmation Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem “All things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made.” Jehovah    made the palms of Zanzibar (Observed from high above as we...

The Missing Piece

      The Missing Piece There was this missing piece in us.  Let’s not Refer to it by any of its names, The normal or poetic ones.  They clot Clear thinking and they make too many claims. Let’s only say that there was this one hole. It didn’t matter much to you and...

Zero Truth from Ancient India or the Olmecs

Zero Truth from Ancient India or the Olmecs It wasn’t an Islamic scholar who Formulated that non-number zero. No matter how much Muslims might want to Deny that fact, the actual hero, An ancient, not even slightly linked with The Arab world, did it.  The simple fact...