Painting as Sacred Seduction

Painting as Sacred Seduction

     Painting as Sacred Seduction Lord Alfred Douglas would have loved to sit For Basil Howard.  Even more this lord Would certainly have forced his Wilde to quit The field of fever known as love and board The field of bankrupt slavery to pay The painter for the...


              BruteBitchBastard Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  “like murdered singing birds” Lord Alfred turned to singing something worse Than that monstrosity, that attic room Abomination.  He became...

A Skin-deep Sea in a Fake Heaven

     A Skin-deep Sea in a Fake Heaven The depths of shallowness are what the stars Dive into.  Starlit deeps make slickness glow Like Barbarella dressed for sex-grooved Mars, Or Marilyn with one leg raised to show The blue pool has not killed her yet.  Like Wilde...

Who Cares about Mere Language?

Who Cares about Mere Language? “Every word was once a poem.”  ~  Ralph Waldo Emerson in “The Poet.” Greek graffitos put the letter V and the letter M on walls during Greece’s occupation by Nazis.  V = Vinceremo (we will win).  M = Mussolini Merde.  Any graffitos...

The Cape

               The Cape Consider what the cape desires.  It wants to see The clouds of birds that used to fly above It in their immemorial paths, sea And sea and sea beneath their search for love And nestlings.  Cape  Canaveral wants the white And white and white...

    Each Autre

              Each Autre Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Four days apart their births and just a few Miles separating them, these two young men, Though geniuses, were destined not to screw Each other. ...

A Found Sonnet: Blue and Black Gemstones  

A Found Sonnet: Blue and Black Gemstones Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “I cannot accept this death.  It’s been some Years now since we’ve seen each other.  Rimbaud, Though (Arthur’s art and face),...

The Ultimate Chamber of Silent Adoration

The Ultimate Chamber of Silent Adoration Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “When Robbie Ross died, […] he triumphed over both Bosie and Constance, by having his ashes interred in Oscar’s tomb.” ~...

Le Restaurant Grand Louvre

Le Restaurant Grand Louvre    What tempted great Jehovah to create The ostrich?  Surely it could not have been The eyes.  They’re far too large and far too great In sadness.  They contain deep sorrow’s mien Surrounded by light lashes on those lids. Perhaps He made the...