Myths of Poetry

Myths of Poetry

            Myths of Poetry The early words of poetry arose From darkness in the depths of throat and lungs In caves and mixed with burning air.  The bows And arrows in the shadows gave the tongues That sang the blood and flesh which chanting needs. Or else out on a...

Red Cultural Revolution

   Red Cultural Revolution M modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “And arte made tung-tide by authoritie” ~ William Shakespeare, sonnet 66 (1609 Quarto) The landscape of the Chinese world, with art...


             Magnetized Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “Just as a magnet attracts iron rings and induces in those rings the power to attract others, so the Muse inspires a chain of people possessed by...

The Deaths of Mad Queens

   The Deaths of Mad Queens The heroines in Racine’s tragedies Are monsters, dignities destroyed by heat Of passion harder than a marble frieze, Rock lust for man or boy.  Queens’ hearts replete With rage and love, this royalty is blind As Oedipus’s eyes with jelly...