Unrequited Love in Men

Unrequited Love in Men

          Unrequited Love in Men “All the little emptiness of love!” ~ Rupert Brooke Gigantic love alone is one small space Inside the mind and guts of just one guy. It’s like a complicated interface, But tiny, ganglia trapped in a sky Of bruise enormous in its hurt...


                                   Manfred Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem The Byron thing is what unthinking minds Presume is the Romantic core, that rot. The self, whatever that is, veils and blindstt...


               Eons Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem The centuries long committed to the sound Of silence have forgotten colors too. We cannot know these times.  They are a mound, That opened, offers...

Conspiracy Theories and Pop Psychology

Conspiracy Theories and Pop Psychology The history we avoid is what comes back. A son abhors obsessions in his dad And then becomes a monomaniac. A daughter who found mother’s ways too sad Drives daughters of her own to turn out poor In spirit, sozzled drunkards. ...

Where Cleanest Vaulting Beauty Flies

Where Cleanest Vaulting Beauty Flies Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “Youths and maidens all blythe and full of glee, carried the luscious fruit in plaited baskets; and with them there went a boy who...

Sci-Fi Horror

          Sci-Fi Horror He hulks apart, his relatives across The aisle as if he doesn’t want them to Be recognized as his, as though they’re dross. He reads a monstrous DUNE book, sci-fi brew Of threat, adventure, and a plot that’s made Of characters...

Forget the Starving Children in China

Forget the Starving Children in China We used to think the world was square and flat And we the hub for planets and the sun, But now we know that we are round and fat. The folk, I mean:  we’re having too much fun. We’re doing all we can to put on weight....