For Charles Randall Stanfield on 71st His Birthday

For Charles Randall Stanfield on 71st His Birthday

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

If suns were smog and smog were suns, if fog

Were clean and bright yet suns’ corona’s dim

Like haar, if deserts’ sun were analogue

To Highland mist, if noonday were a prim

Half moon or slim white crescent, or if stars

Were never nebulae like crabs, or sun

Were always cold like Saturn’s moons with scars

Or pocks, if daytime were no more than pun

On nighttime, starry structures more like lines

Of ripped off black bear fur, if comets streaked

Like vacuums from gods who hate designs,

Then all the cosmos might have been black shrieked.

  But actually you came out far above

    The universe, black hair and curls—and love.

Phillip Whidden