Microbes’ Excretion in the Priests’ Hair

Microbes’ Excretion in the Priests’ Hair

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

I ask you, what’s the use of beauty if

It’s undermined by nuns and monks at prayer,

Their hands unknown to you that have a whiff

Of masturbation on the palms?  Beware

The sunset and the gloss of sea.  They do

Not tell the truth, not any more than spires

And buttressed walls, not any more than mew

Of kitten means it won’t eat flesh, requires

Its mothers milk alone.  The clouds above

Rise closer to the truer doctrine in

Their form.  Not one of them is like a dove,

More like the gulping seagull eating sin.

  The tourists who have washed their armpits clean

    Know more of truths than camera’s darkening sheen.

Phillip Whidden