Ancient Trees without Freud

     Ancient Trees without Freud

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

The longest living trees don’t  daydream while

They live for several thousand years in drought.

This lack of dreams might mean that pines exile

The threat of nightmares.  Bristlecones don’t pout

Or wilt in driest sandy soil.  They just

Get on with living slower than the growth

Of breaks between the continents that thrust

Apart sehr slowly, slower than a sloth

Asleep, than plate tectonics push apart.

Yes, paucity of dreams in roots is so

That they avoid the earthquakes of upstart

 Alpträume.  This is why their hearts are slow.

  If you and I were wise, we too would wait

   Without these dreams.  But such is not our fate.

Phillip Whidden