Some Things Don’t Need Recollection

Some Things Don’t Need Recollection

Some Things Don’t Need Recollection An old man takes his time to wrap around His sag of flesh the armor.  This care’s not Because he fears the fight or battle ground. It’s just because his joints are are stiff and fraught With aches.  One younger...

Born from the Genitals of Uranus

Born from the Genitals of Uranus Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem The eyes of Aphrodite are more blue, As blue as depths off Kythira, perhaps As pale as blue waves mariners see through Before they find...

Were I to Believe in Angels’ Songs

Were I to Believe in Angels’ Songs If angels, each one, had a message they Would sing to us, would each charge be the same, A Kyrie, an Adoramus te, Or Gloria?  No, that would be too tame. I’m thinking every one would be unique, Each text and melody enough to...