Irises Not Dreaming of Other Irises

Irises Not Dreaming of Other Irises

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

An iris cannot dream.  It cannot dream

Of blue, not even nearly purple blue,

That wishes it were black.  A cherubim,

Once it had fallen, might in daydreams strew

The realm of irises with search for love,

A love with other beards that dream of falls

That want that strewing, holding up above

The center stylish arms for protocols

Of mating.  Beards and arms, male stigmas find

Their way past frilliness and standard rules.

The pollen dust then seeks its way, though blind,

To splay its wished gold powder molecules.

  Inside the curves of inner softness bent

    Seeds grow where stronger perfect love was spent.

Phillip Whidden