Orange Penetrates so Intense that It Throbs as Purple

Orange Penetrates so Intense that It Throbs as Purple

Orange Penetrates so Intense that It Throbs as Purple Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Why bother with bare beauty when deep sex Comes offered in the package?  Canyons etched With liquid bearing scree...

Dreaming of the Coming Spring

 Dreaming of the Coming Spring Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem  They blossom, and then We gaze, and then the blooms Scatter, and then…            ~ Onitsura The tightness of the winter now is...

Haiku Paradox

       Haiku Paradox The Korean boat does Not pause.  Sails cause it to pass, But where in this haze? ~ Buson Forking into mist A stream on the moor is vague And clear, both, at once. ~ Shirao An odd boat, foreign in its shape, slips past, Korean in its shape and...

The Point of Poetry and Song

   The Point of Poetry and Song Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem A poem or a song can be as fierce As knife points.  They are neutral, though, about The hole they make.  They care not whom they pierce...

Plato was Wrong

         Plato was Wrong The world we know is not those shadows.  We Are shadows, less than shadows, faded by A darkness.  Shadows laid on shadows, free Of any weight or substance, we are shy Of meaning since we die, and since the stars And everything will vanish. ...

Shalimar by Guerlain

     Shalimar by Guerlain Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem “Nothing is ever quite lost, even though its sense might be.” ~ Michael Schmidt, The Story of Poetry, 11 When time has taken long enough to...

When Juan is Dressed in his Best Outfits

When Juan is Dressed in his Best Outfits When Juan is dressed in his best outfits, he Is like soap opera stuff in a deluxe Gift wrapping, like a flame vine covered tree All brilliant orange and green, or like Starbucks Tricked out as Tiffany’s.  He might not wash As...

“La tristesse durera toujours.”

“La tristesse durera toujours.”         ~ Vincent van Gogh Dr. Gachet, Wikipedia The sadness will not ever go away. It may not cut like razors in the wrists, Yet like the black hole ghosts of yesterday The stain will linger.  Like those haunting mists Of midnights...

My Heart is Like a Satin Valentine

My Heart is Like a Satin Valentine My heart is like a satin valentine Except instead of dark and darker things With pastel sickly centers, glossy shine Still inwardly desires love’s angel wings. The irony is far too much for me And you know even better how...