He Looks as Old as Hatred Now

He Looks as Old as Hatred Now

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Alas, poor Yorick” 

instruments of darkness tell us truths” ~ Shakespeare, Macbeth

He looks as old as hatred now.  This scene

The camera snapped from ogling point beside

Him in his bed is bitter as a spleen

Implied in shine of nose from light near snide

In cruelty.  This cruelty lurked in

An act of love or something like it, near

The lens that skulks as close as serpent sin.

The snap is merciless despite the blear,

Revealing like an arc light trained on death,

The ruthlessness of unrelenting truth.

The playwright and the poet writes Macbeth.

The skull pretends it never shone with youth.

  A Shaw might wring a laugh from wisp of hair

    And clamoring beard but under that, despair.

Phillip Whidden