Unborn Worlds

Unborn Worlds

          Unborn Worlds Our dreams unborn await us in the dark, The darkest and the deepest part of brain. Our dreams are not like honey.  They are stark Like lust and stinging venom.  They want stain And swelling to remain once they have left Us harmed.  A bee, or...

Saint Sebastian Sans the Sacred

Saint Sebastian Sans the Sacred Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem Most memories cannot be kept close, not near, Not near enough to scar, unless the scar Is of a tribal kind gouged in by fear Appearing...

Panicky Purity

               Panicky Purity The phantoms of the heart and brain are drugs From soul and not from science.  They are like Some sort of dreamlike but effective plugs Created for our therapy.  A dyke Holds back the floods… and heart holds back the brain And rigid...

Art for Farts’ Sake

       Art for Farts’ Sake The monstrous lack of any sense in art Was followed by the monstrous lack of sense In thinking and philosophy .  The part Of Derrida and Deconstruction’s dense Offensive springs to mind.  A crazed theory Of this and that philosopher in turn...


                                 Devotion Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem A fictive leaf of ink, or paint, or gilt On vellum is perfection brushed there small But large in love of utterness.  The...

Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness

Thou Shalt not Bear False Witness Sigmund Freud: “There is nothing instinctual in us which responds to a belief in death.”   Freud also says, “This may even be the secret of heroism.” Our hearts refuse to nod to death.  No, more Than that, they fail to hear it...

Psalm 130

               Psalm 130 From out of depths of sorrow came the sounds Of  Parry’s anthem (first of all) “In my Distress.”  The music came from deep chest wounds Und Bach and Luther.  Anguish reaches sky And heaven only when the music climbs From sources such as...

The End of the Cretaceous in Nazi Germany

The End of the Cretaceous in Nazi Germany At times our ids rise upward and become A sort of luminescent threat like prints Upon the shore of dinosaurs.  A dumb Impression haunts us.  The three-clawed track glints With something previous to evil.  This Trail,...

Freudian Slope

            Freudian Slope When angels go insane, what does the Great Physician do?  Does He invite them to His soft, silk-covered couch, help them uncrate Their dreams, discuss them, and reveal their true Anxiety?  Perhaps He gives warm drugs Injected lovingly...