The Encyclopedia Sonnetica

776 B.C. to 393 A.D.

The sprint, the one event, the only race Was solemn, sacred, holy.  Gods leaned down And over clouds to watch a handsome face Push forward to deserve the victor’s crown. No one, except those gods perhaps, could know Just how momentous was this triumph, for It led to...

Misogyny (μισογυνία) is a Greek Word

“What would a man not give to engage in conversation with Orpheus?” ~ Plato That marble minded Plato thinks of men, Not women, girls, or boys before they grow Their body hair in armpit, crotch, and then The beard.  His brain was right since women glow With threat and...

Jews Made the Roman Fire Attack Worse

John Updike in Rabbit at Rest has a Floridian Jew sneer that the proof that the Jews are God’s chosen people is in the fact that He gave them such pathetic enemies. The Romans thought destruction of the Jews, Jerusalem, and their shrine was not wrong, But just.  Rome...