

                         Parament Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  The spirit world is not as spectral in It colors, in its mauves and oranges, pinks And greens as veils, so halo-like and thin Spread...

Changing Changelessly Will Meet Its Fate

Changing Changelessly Will Meet Its Fate Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem  Mountain cherry blooms Fall.  Petals scatter over  Water-wheel and brook. ~ Chigetsu (Englished by Phillip Whidden The water wheel...

Autumn and the Spanish Steps

          Autumn and the Spanish Steps   Though waiting for the wind so long, the leaves Know patience, or at least they know no dread. The autumn wind is patient, too, perceives Their stoicism wearing orange and red, October yellow even, brighter in Their bravery. ...

I Saw Boys Playing Cricket . . .

     I Saw Boys Playing Cricket . . . . . . in white upon a cricket ground today In Oxfordshire as if long centuries passed And made no difference.  There I saw the sway Of bat.  Tradition in a woollen cast, A cast, though supple as the hips and thighs Contained in...

Cobalt and Amber:  Prometheus

Cobalt and Amber:  Prometheus Daydreaming Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem If I could shape the first man, I would make Him cobalt blue,  his eyes a Viking blue, His nose a righteous Grecian one to shake...

“Tarry,” is Spring’s Command

          “Tarry,” is Spring’s Command Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem Yet if we grieve, the spring that blossoms will Not come as wishes quick or slow will leap. The grief of spring will hasten just...

Tacit Beauty

                  Tacit Beauty Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Where mountains aren’t, the world is still the world. There may not be the white of peaks or harsh Escarpments, but the streams of spring...


              Accordingly The spirit of the peony is spring. The summer finds itself inside a rose. In May the petals, red and pink, both sing A colored fugue in fragrant ratios. The garden wings have gathered.  Great tits leap As through the grandest canyon.  Swooped...

Armpit and Genital Hair on the Masculine Anima

Armpit and Genital Hair on the Masculine Anima Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem The armpit hair of spirits is too dark For women.  Females do not like to think Of it or get a glance of it as stark As...

Whack Humor

             Whack Humor Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem When he is at his gayest, you can know That he hulks earnest in designs.  To take Him at his surface meaning is to go Awry the way a moth in...

March Meets October

        March Meets October The violets are deepest purple in The lane.  This purple laughs as darkness there Beneath the hedge.  Such purple is the twin Of brighter colors matching autumn’s blare Of orange, but the double of them just In beauty.  Blooms so much...

Memory of a Tree Surgeon Season

     Memory of a Tree Surgeon Season Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem One spring he knew stretched on  —  on and on  — like Suns rising as eternity insists They should.  It was as if an April dyke...

Wind and Water Cleave and Cleave

Wind and Water Cleave and Cleave Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem .. We know that wind is spirit life.  The wind Is God in symbol, and the angels, too, And demons, angels with God’s demons twinned....

The Daffodils

                            The Daffodils Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem Another year the daffodils will rise, For centuries, millennia again, Perhaps for eons.  Yellow trumpets’ cries Though silent...

That Hot Embrace

       That Hot Embrace Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem He cannot ever run or swim without Romance the power in his sinews, sweat, And dreams.  He does not let the sunshine doubt His future,...

  Epiphany not Abruptness

        Epiphany not Abruptness A mamba crosses paths with you.  A shark Fin heaves to view in nearby waves.  A plague Ramps out across the world.  A winging lark Explodes from cover at your feet.  No vague, Uncertain certainty like fate explains The threat, the...


                          Reincarnation The spirit wishes it could look back to Its body, not the rotted one, and see The firm young form with hair and holy blue Of Mary’s robe in clear young eyes still free Of intimations of their death.  The hair, The blond head...

Still God

                    Still God    Amphibole Tremolite-121232.  By Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0, Suppose that God could resurrect you whole, By quarks and hadrons, nth particle by Nth...

They Loved Sovereignty and Liberty Most

They Loved Sovereignty and Liberty Most “And the Lacedæmonians offer sacrifices to Love before they go to battle, thinking that safety and victory depend on the friendship and those who stand side by side in the battle array.  And the Cretans, in their line of battle,...

The Night before Thermopylae—“The Hot Gates”

The Night before Thermopylae— “The Hot Gates” “Phaedrus’s praise for erôs (love) as a precondition for courage employs poetic quotations from poems that in fact state that wisdom is the true precondition, and that erotic passion without thoughtfulness leads to...

String (Strung Out) Theory

String (Strung Out) Theory Stop!  Not so fast, guys! Einstein’s shocked white head Apparently opined not that the rate Of light was swiftest, but nowt could be sped Up quicker than light, could accelerate To be more fleet than it.  His crucial thought, That...

A Sheen of Strength

   A Sheen of Strength A sheen of strength more powerful than gold Shines svelte on outer surfaces of glass, A beauty far more powerful and old Than gilding.  Spreading out across the grass This April morning is an hour that brings Its joy to beast and plant alike.  A...

A Tabernacle Open

        A Tabernacle Open …….  …“the splendour in the grass” The green begins to rise through richness of The sunrise-reddish brown across the fields In Windsor.  Princely spikes peak up above The corduroy earth.  This vista yields A...


                 2451 Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem I re-arranged my china. England failed While I was doing that. The team was young As we’d been told ad nauseam. They paled To losers, though. I...


          Skywriting Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem The well-shaped maple on the hilltop spreads Its leaves and limbs like rhythmed lines and rhymes. It is a sonnet that in autumn sheds God’s colors...

The Knighthood of the Countryside

The Knighthood of the Countryside Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem Genteel, the hills of Oxfordshire are clothed With farm fields at their feet, brocades of trees On shoulders and their chests. The...


                   Edict How dull the gilded dome seems under clouds Of London gray.  The perfect, swerving shape Looks saddened as if wearing mourning shrouds, Or dirtiness, or veils of thinnest crepe. Such beauty should not be degraded thus. But London,...


         Benison Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem The first of our own daffodils spread out Today and maybe that bright yellow will Reach wider since the sun is now about And shining on the...

God Spoke Today

           God Spoke Today I stumbled down the hill to buy some food For Prospero.  He does not know that I Had been knocked flat by an extremely rude Disease.  In fact he doesn’t know I buy His salmon flakes.  He only knows that they Are spooned for him by me.  Their...

Pathetic Skin, Flesh, “Brain”

Pathetic Skin, Flesh, “Brain” Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem Today already, twice, I’ve seen two pics Of tattoos with dickhead spelling mistakes. One says . . . “Musle Healing.” The dopy dicks Who...

 Eurydice behind Orpheus

 Eurydice behind Orpheus Do spirits dress in spirit clothes and shoes? Do spirit sandals make a sound when on The road in night or are they too diffuse Of spirit atoms?  Spirits walk in dawn When desperate.  Pale clothes do not make sound, No swishing in the sunrise. ...

He Might As Well Have Written Obscure Poetry

He Might As Well Have Written Obscure Poetry So Socrates believes not just that Soul exists But is bipartite and tripartite, both. He postulates a mixed up nature. He twists And turns, an ancient Greek as mental sloth, Since this is contradictory at worst And badly...

They Loved Sovereignty and Liberty Most

They Loved Sovereignty and Liberty Most “And the Lacedæmonians offer sacrifices to Love before they go to battle, thinking that safety and victory depend on the friendship and those who stand side by side in the battle array. And the Cretans, in their line of battle,...

The Voice

          The Voice We all are waiting for the voice to speak, But how will it be spoken? Will we hear It when it whispers in an ancient Greek The severity of stone-hard Doric fear? Perhaps still, small hoarseness in a fire Will echo in the deserts of our soul When...

The Good Side of Death: Oracular Pre-echoing

The Good Side of Death: Oracular Pre-echoing The Delphic good to come from spring buds’ deaths Is roses’ resurrection from their stems. The early summer flowers take their breaths In May’s bright air. Their petticoats and hems Begin to spread for the summer heat. They...

Hard to Protect Softness

   …Hard to Protect Softness Don’t let opponents get too close to your Important jewels.  Don’t let them grab your shorts And pull on them if you want to be sure Too hide your treasure chest.  Nothing distorts Your dignity on playing fields as much As being...

The Address of the Soul

     The Address of the Soul Inside the skull is spirit’s home.  Soul Inhabits brain.  Protected by thick bone, The insubstantial essence floats.  A scroll Of hardened jellylike gray is its lone Account, its empire.  Spirit is a monk, The head its hermitage.  Soul has...

Spenser’s Red Cross Knight

     Spenser’s Red Cross Knight The Red Cross Knight was far too much.  The dark Spell-casters, monsters, faeries—wotever— He kept avoiding, meeting in the park Of that ridiculous poem, never Found him interesting enough to defeat. The bad guys and bewitchers were the...

Tree Fates

                    Tree Fates When trees begin to pale with hints of bling The first effect seems like a gauze-glove haar, A tailored fitting from the hidden spring Which spins this morning mist, distinct and far Removed from gloom.  It corresponds with dawn. Yet...

Sun Christened Springtime Buds

Sun Christened Springtime Buds ………… Camellias on Chepstow Crescent, London, March 2, 2019 Sun christened springtime buds of blooms and leaves Come out and hum a melody.  The chill Air shouts, “Not yet,” so each new shoot aggrieves...

I Reject the Perpetual Lie of Noon

I Reject the Perpetual Lie of Noon The night attenuates the springtime limbs. The light, such as it is, depletes their blooms That in the sun were more than April whims But now seem waiting for harsh showers, dooms. But not this evening.  No.  The gentle light...

Magic and Magic, Spring and Spring

          Magic and Magic,          Spring and Spring Trees eveanesce once they have bloomed each spring. They disappear in humdrum hues and we Ride past them unaware.  A magic ring Is cut in bark.  Invisibility Results.  As if they were not ever there In puffed...

Love Stripped Naked and Transcending

    Love Stripped Naked       and Transcending Guatama leaves his palace and wanders From his wealth across the plains, sits beneath A tree in calmness made of mind, ponders The cosmos, blasting pleasures, lasting pains, And settles on the center of a flower. It grows...

Breathing Death

Breathing Death   The pink magnolias creased, bruise-brown, well nigh Immediately in springtime air.  The breeze Came blustering and wrinkled in the dye Of death on unsuspecting trees. Of course they will not die, not yet, nor yet These fleshy blossoms opened...

Spenser’s Red Cross Knight

  Spenser’s Red Cross Knight           Edmund Spenser, Wikipedia The Red Cross Knight was far too much.  The dark Spell-casters, monsters, faeries–whatever– He kept avoiding, meeting in the park Of that ridiculous poem, never Found him interesting...