Red Cultural Revolution

   Red Cultural Revolution


modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“And arte made tung-tide by authoritie” ~ William Shakespeare, sonnet 66 (1609 Quarto)

The landscape of the Chinese world, with art
Included, is a brutal puppet show
But not in trussed up words alone. The heart
Is trapped in torture chamber-like tableau
And horror every way it beats. The soul
Inside it feels an Iron Maiden vise
Against religions under the control
Of hands the color of a scarlet ice
Floe crushing all around. The spirit gasps
And tries to struggle upwards, Christian, or
The Uygurs, and the Falun Gong. The clasps
Are used to harvest human organs for
Mere money. Re-indocrination camps
Are part of these obscene unholy clamps.