When I Wake Up, I am Absent from Thee

      When I Wake Up,

  I am Absent from Thee

  ‘As ye are partakers of the sufferings, so shall ye be also of the consolation.’
    2 Corinthians 1:7

Two continents and long tides far away
You live alone now and we sleep apart.
The beauties of my high spec life hold sway,
But separation from you seals my heart
In solitude.  A hermit, that is what
I find myself to be, surrounded by
The crowds on 0xford Street, while you are caught
Up in that other place where you and I
Were busy in our other world, our hot
And humid life together, not this fresh,
Cool, placid one entrapping me, and not
Your sweat-filled loneliness in single flesh.
..I walk and sleep and dream in purdah, you
….Beyond the screen.  The cosmos is askew.