Ugly Beauty

                        Ugly Beauty

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

You might want to read this sarcastic version of the Greek myth

before you read the sonnet.

The music comes from speakers.  Radio

3 broadcasts strains and sounds.  They’re more like stains

Inside the ear and in the air.  They flow

Across the kitchen and they’re more like pains

Especially because they’re meant to be

About Narcissus and about the pink

Pale Echo.  It is a cacophony

Of notes and bangs, a perfume like a stink

Of noises.  It’s true… the ancient myth

Is ugly too, made up of beauty smeared

With agonies.  It is a monolith

Of cruelty and loveliness revered

As only youth can suffer it.  The young

Man, nymph and chords are like a tortured tongue.