Transclucent Fun like Daydreams

Translucent Fun like Daydreams

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

     “Only we’ll live awhile, as children play,

      Without tomorrow, without yesterday.”

           ~ A. Mary P. Robinson, “Let Us Forget”

Boys play inside their moments made of sun,

Made up in light like gelatine so thick

(Though spirit-like) it never ends.  The fun

Transects eternity.  Fun has that trick.

It lasts as long as God when children play

(As in some dream-like place) . . . and where else weighs?

An immortality begins to splay

When they begin their games.  The gods might gaze

Forever downwards on these lambent joys

And never think to end them.  There the past

(Its sharp parts) dwindles.  Playmates muster toys

From anything to hand.  Little blisses last

Until the grownups enter from their sweat-filled time

And bring with them correctness and its grime.

Phillip Whidden