The Venus-like Sexiness of Cats

The Venus-like Sexiness of Cats

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Egyptian Mau cats

How velvet arrogant our cats would be
If only they could know how lovely they
Are visually. If only they could see
Themselves through human pupils, see the sway
Of feline elegance as we do, grace
And sleekness gods might envy. Egypt knew
This, pharaonically, ancient as the place

Natural History Museum, London

Inside a pyramid where paste of blue
Like lapis lazuli sets off the gold

On King Tutankhamun’s head. Cats are warm,
Too, warm inside our hearts with beauty bold
As lovely as a Christ might ever form.
..They do not know how beautifully they walk.
….They do not know their lovelinesses shock.