The Swing on Aunt Ruby’s and Uncle Hubert’s Porch in Georgia Twilight

The Swing on Aunt Ruby’s and Uncle Hubert’s Porch in Georgia Twilight


Slow days passing, accumulating–

How distant they are,

The things of the past.

                    ~ Buson

The slow days come and go, but creeping, so

Drudged they seem to be going back.  Suns

Set slowly on them, slackening.  They grow

As slowly as the algae in the runs

Of trickling water over stones.  The creek

Beyond the farmhouse fields in August, hot

And rainless, almost stops.  It seems to sneak

Away towards death.  Aunt Ruby’s eyes have caught

An ailment, putting time in gears that grind.

A halt comes in the humid evening.  At least

That’s how it feels out on the porch.  Day’s rind

Is rotting.  Seemingly the clock has ceased.

Long days pile up on red clay dusks.  They stack

Up ponderously.  They almost backtrack.

Phillip Whidden