The Eternal Cry of Women about Men and Love

The Eternal Cry of Women about Men and Love

“Your thoughtlessness in love,

Orpheus, has wrecked us both.”  ~ Virgil, in Robert Graves, The Greek Myths, p. 93

They never know, these men, not even when

They get the clearest orders.  Even gods

Are useless.  Pluto gives instructions.  Then

The poet fails to follow them.  The odds

Of lovers (male ones) hearing what they need

To know about perpetuating love

Are small, much smaller than a mustard seed.

They look to something elsewhere far above

Or just beyond what gods and women say,

Their fishing trip or motorcycles, hard

Things masculinity would like to play

With, or like being the world’s best bard.

. Then when women keep their feelings to

….Themselves, all subtle, men don’t have a clue.