The British Broadcasting Corporation’s Prophets among Us on Civilisations and Acting like Hubble and Webb

The British Broadcasting Corporation’s Prophets

among Us on Civilisations and Acting like Hubble and Webb

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem 

Those vaster minds show greater grasp of things,

So, so much larger, like a vision from

On high, like revelations flamed with wings

Or, if a Buddhist, bodhis’ sacred thrum

More beautiful than music of the spheres.

Those brains see patterned silk brocades the rest

Of us would never notice, past frontiers

Of elflike minds like mine, with wisdom’s zest

Pierced.  Insight motifs we might never know

Because of glaucous prejudice our eyes

Are covered with, or ignorance aglow

In cataracts which almost act like lies.

  Earth’s ampler seers, modern telescopes

    More like, are more like true inerrant popes.

Phillip Whidden