Sonnets, Unruly and Ruly

Sonnets, Unruly and Ruly

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Perhaps he ought to be ashamed that, if

You smell the bodies of his sonnets, you

Will often get at least the slightest whiff

Of rudeness, lowdown topics, subjects blue

In sex, and sauciness.  Perhaps he ought

To feel some shame that noble matters are

Not always his concern, his sonnets fraught

With naughtiness, or worse, and some so far

Unruly that he cannot post them (yet).

Nobility is not his natural oeuvre

In fact, he’d rather deal with loving’s sweat

Than dukes who have their coats of arms to proeuvre.

..Despising peerages and all such things,

….His poems do not always spread cleansed wings.