Someone Special

                         Someone Special

Modern poetry modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Who has to be a special someone when

He knows that he is loved?  Perhaps some sun

God loves him.  Maybe he knows more than men

Not loved.  This much he knows:  this one, some One,

Loves, knows, and holds him in love’s arms at night.

He is known and loved and held, lies not alone.

His lover loves him in their bed despite

The cynics and the monk-like ones.  A throne

Upholds him in his lover’s ribs.  The hair

That grows upon them as they meet and surge

Between their passion sheets crochets this pair

In chainmail strength.  Their muscles almost merge.

  He feels that he could drive the sun along

    Greek skies.  The two could sing a warrior’s song.

Phillip Whidden