Shakespeare’s Ancestors

               Shakespeare’s Ancestors

“his feeling is that poetry  is expressions of ‘moments of vision’.” ~ R. H. Blyth on Sōgi

We think that poets must have Persians through

Their blood.  Persepolis and pillars high,

Though broken in those measured meters true

Too distant sounds and minds,  high lines ally

With.  We assume inside our bones and woes

That poets are diasporas of Jews,

Flamed Shadrachs, Meschachs and Abednegoes,

And cedar Daniels praying upright views

From raptures.  We prefer to think that rhymes

And rhythms from a Shelley or a Keats

Are pure as Pharaohs soaring from our times

To levitating timelessness in streets

Of gods with jackals for their heads and eyes

Which should be frontal, staring towards dry skies.

Phillip Whidden