Self-knowledge, Selfish Knowledge

Self-knowledge, Selfish Knowledge

“Socrates was once asked why it was that Alcibiades, who was so brilliant, beautiful, rich, and high in society was so unhappy. Socrates answered, ‘Because wherever Alcibiades goes, Alcibiades is there.’”

This Alcibiades could cry about

The beauties of morality.  A life

Of virtue, in theory, made the kid spout

Great tears.  But later he treated his wife

Contemptuously.  Alcibiades had

A huge respect for Socrates until

The pupil had to be decent.  The lad

Then rushed away to have his fill

Of lust and arrogance and filthy greed.

“If I did not shut ears against him, I

Would be meek as others.  I dared not heed

That siren voice.  I decided to fly!

I would have been transfixed there at his feet.”

He fled to power and gold and sexy heat.