Scissors and Electric Clippers Try to Resurrect Royalty

Scissors and Electric Clippers Try to Resurrect Royalty

“He says the highway dust is over all” ~ Robert Frost, “The Oven Bird”


He’s haunted by a curly-headed ghost.

This younger male had royal, curly hair.

When he was just a boy, he didn’t boast

About its beauty though it had a flair

Of gorgeousness.  The scissors work now on

A head that has a fringe as thinning as

The tonsure on an old-age monk.  Hair gone

Competely (almost), early age pizzazz

Is what the man remembers as the cut

Continues patiently.  The barber tries

To please the guy, but just exactly what

Sad trimming might kibosh the silent sighs?

..The barber keeps on making patient tweaks.

….The curly-headed ghost soundlessly squeaks.