Safe Spaces—“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”

Safe Spaces—“Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose”


“When the Athenians sent leaders of their philosophy schools to Rome on an embassy in 155 BC, one of them, the sceptic Carneades, pleaded on one day for justice in politics, on the next day for injustice. Cato was so disgusted that he wanted the philosophers to leave Rome at once and return to corrupt their own youth, not the youth at Rome.” ~ Robin Lane Fox, The Classical World, 329


Pathetic. Nothing changes. Now the kids
On campuses don’t want to hear the truth
From many sides. Discussion’s on the skids.
When I was in those academic halls, the youth
Were fizzing with rebellion and with thought.
We questioned everything the grownups said,
Especially old fogeys’ “should and ought.”
Their squared up wisdoms made us see a red
Rag taunting us young bulls. We marched and yelled
Against the status quo of hatred, war
And napalm bombing of nude girls. Compelled,
We called Dick Nixon a warmonger whore.
Beware of Catos who don’t want to think.
They stand for men most needing a good shrink.