Poetry is Not the Lever and Fulcrum of Archimedes

Poetry is Not the Lever and Fulcrum of Archimedes


The full-flowering Scottish tradition of Henryson, Dunbar and Douglas was defeated when Scotland was defeated.” ~ Michael Schmidt, The Story of Poetry


War changes poetry. Old English verse

Had reached an apogee of polished shapes

When William came along. A Norman curse

Crushed English poetry with Frankish rapes

Of language. Chaucer’s day brought English back.

Then history repeated evil. Wars

And despot threats brought crushing ruin, black

Like swastikas and turned the arts to whores

From 1913/14 onwards. Gas

Attacks revived true poetry again

But briefly. After that the arts en masse

Went mad as if in concentrated pain.

The problem is that artists cannot lift

The world. They cannot cause the slightest shift.


July 22 and 23, 2018

NB This sonnet was originally entitled “Poetry and the World”