Paler than See-through Vellum Decorated with Medieval Leaves and Gospel Writers

Paler than See-through Vellum Decorated with Medieval Leaves and Gospel Writers

Perhaps he stands among the Celtic saints

As mystical as they with trees he killed.

They stand together, he, and trees, and haints

In chosen superstitions.  Acorns tilled

By eons are a part holy ones

And him.  A jealous God they worship.  They

Are jealous too, these oaks and holy sons,

Are envious of his black curls.  They play,

These tresses, in the sacred air where he

And saints and boughs consider joint prayers,

Still, silent as the Trappists who agree.

The dead ones and the trunks are like the stairs

Of Jacob.  We outside their realm can trace

No chant from this illuminated place.

Phillip Whidden