Out and About after an Evening of Swilling on Upper Class Couches

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Out and About after an Evening of Swilling on Upper-Class Couches

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

The drunk ones, young and beautiful, would prowl
The streets like singing lionesses at
Night after their symposia. Their howl
Would sound outside locked doors. Each boozed up brat
Would join his throat and serenading with
The other manly fucked up voices
Outside a home where beauty lived like myth
Immortal. These young men had choices:
These drunkards focused on a lovely whore
Or on a much desired and untouched boy
Whose utter innocence made guys want more
Than wine could give. They wanted most to toy
..With perfect maleness in between his thighs.
….Instead they had to settle for loud sighs.