Never Land

                Never Land

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“Ordinarily, romantic love is a popular theme in ancient
India’s epics as well as in numerous plays that revolve
around the romances of princes and kings in royal courts
and cities” ~ Nayanjot Lahiri, Ashoka in Ancient India, 87

As common as a rose in England’s June
And daisies in green grass, romantic love
Has been around. As common as the moon
In music for the masses, far above
The ordinary man and woman, royal
Love legends raped Indian hearts. On screen
From Bollywood the prince stays true to loyal
Romance in purest form. He’s never seen
To touch the beauty he desires. They glance
And look, they stare with velvet passion’s eyes,

They move brocaded in silk lust, and dance.
They buy into romantic passion’s lies.
..They regally insist on sweatless bliss.
They never, never, never, never kiss.