Love that is Love

      Love that is Love

“Then his folly is

Pure madness, but his wisdom a philosopher’s”

From the Phaedrus of Alexis,

                           In Athenaeus, Deipnosophistae

A giant book about gastronomy

And wisdom—if such stuff can be combined—

Pretends to touch on the astronomy

Of everything.  It tells of men who dined

On wisdom and on alcohol and food.

The dining host and guests fuse male desires.

Along the way they manage to allude

To thinkers calmly dealing with those criers

Respected most, philosophers and those

Who sing of passion.  All acknowledge bad

And good finds dovetailed union.  They propose

That love is wise and foolish.  Love is mad.

..That comes from recipes included in

….Men’s minds with purities of wildest sin.