Ha Ha Ha Ha Hacking (Pathetic)

Ha Ha Ha Ha Hacking (Pathetic)

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

“A first-century Roman acquired an ancient statue of the comic poet Poseidippus (c. 316-250 BC).  He had a local craftsman resculpt it into—or after—his [that Roman’s] face and form.” ~ Michael Schmidt, The First Poets, 40.

An ancient Roman had a portrait made,

A portrait from an ancient poet’s, far,

Far older than the Roman’s time.  A blade

Carved marble from the poet’s statue.  Star

Poseidippus of Greek comedic fame

Was chiselled at until the sculpture seemed

More like that Latin guy.  The Roman’s aim

In such destruction is now lost.  What he schemed

Was not erasing of the poet’s face,

But just replacing it with Roman nose

And chin.  He didn’t think it a disgrace

To wipe out genius in this Roman pose.

..We do not know how much he paid, its cost.

….Still, brilliance can be hacked at but not lost.