Eurydice behind Orpheus

Eurydice behind Orpheus

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse modern poem contemporary poem

Do spirits dress in spirit clothes and shoes?

Do spirit sandals make a sound when on

The road in night or are they too diffuse

Of spirit atoms?  Spirits walk in dawn

When desperate.  Pale clothes do not make sound,

No swishing in the sunrise.  Trousers loose

On spirits, I imagine, worn around

Souls’ thighs, around leg hair, do not induce

The slightest whisper.  Spirits cannot hear

Such whispering as the rubbing of the cloth

Might make.  Mild spirit noises disappear

For us, as quiet as a midnight moth.

..If spirits walk behind us in a cloak

….Of silk, they make more silence than thin smoke.