England’s Inoculation and Therapy for the Virus Called War, April 4 and St. George’s Day, 2015

England’s Inoculation and Therapy for the Virus Called War, April 4 and St. George’s Day, 2015


Fate slapped him in his face and carried on

With tattooed beauty on its fingers, palm,

And skin much longer like a lingering dawn.

His sonnet read out loud as if a psalm

In London’s main cathedral by the Dean

On Easter from the pulpit days before

The poet’s death on Shakespeare’s date, was seen

By all the next day in The Times.  Fate’s sore

Was opened, though, by one mosquito bite

Upon the poet’s lips.  It killed him like

No kiss that Brooke had known, not in a night

With Denham or Tahiti, like a spike

Or bayonet akin to what Brooke shoved

Up toward their hearts, those two whom he had loved.

~ Phillip Whidden