Dark Pink Nipples in the 1950s

        Dark Pink Nipples in the 1950s

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

The 1950s held its clean-cut sorts,

Its crew-cut men, but they were not the whole

Array.  Some others filled the gorgeous courts

Like those at Hot House, Cherry Grove.  A stroll

Around Fire Island would have opened eyes

To men of wavy masculinity,

With seashell lips ,and tanning, hairy thighs.

What they lacked in manly virginity

Was made up for by showing armpit hair.

The sea-green eyes belonged to depths of gaze

That shrivelled up resistance.  That blond stare

Obliterated crew-cut thoughts.  The maze

Of maleness suddenly became the best

Enigma set in patterns on that chest.

Phillip Whidden