Constitutional Slaughter: Connecticut, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Texas

Constitutional Slaughter: Connecticut, Nevada, Florida, Texas, Texas

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

“Stronger than lover’s love is lover’s hate.” ~ Medea, Euripides

The women don’t do this, except that queen.
It’s mostly males who go berserk with guns.
The women swallow hate and they go mean
Like stars that eat another star. These ones,
These men, kill school kids, and the people at
An airhead concert, or the students on
A college campus. Heads explode, go splat
Like Kennedy’s with people on the lawn
Not noticing. It happens all the time
In poor pathetic corners of the states,
In poor pathetic America. Crime
Moves closer to the norm through petty hates.
..The men know love and then it turns to death
….Sprayed out of barrels—America’s breath.