Circular Thinking

       Circular Thinking

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

A shaman or a sage walks round and round

One circle.  Objects in it are the past.

These items may not want to be re-found.

The problem is our greed.  We hold a vast

Desire, not very much for endless stores

Of memory, but more for all those things

Beyond salvation, details held in drawers

The shaman has refused to open.  Rings

And rings he paces round now, or the sage

Reminds us silently we cannot keep

Them even if he conjures them.  We rage

Against this truth.  The shaman chants to sleep.

..The hint is that we search our dreams at night.

….Lost things are where they swerved their longing flight.

Phillip Whidden