Ceaseless Becoming

         Ceaseless Becoming

Modern poetry  modern verse  contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

“Things do not begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop; there is simply ceaseless becoming.”  R. H. Blyth

For Bonnie Petroschuk

Saint John says Christ made everything.  A psalm

Declares he did it with his mouth.  His breath

Created everything.  He raised his palm

In blessing.  Then they nailed it at his death.

At least some things begin with red ink acts

And end with capitals in red that start

A new creation.  Resurrection cracks

The old creation wide, wide, wide apart.

The wideness of this split lets out the new.

The old is set aside and newness comes

Unceasingly—and death falls in this coup

And everlastingness becomes, becomes,

Becomes the bright unending blossom crop.

This endlessness becomes the sparkling stop.

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Phillip Whidden