Cacti and Porcupines

     Cacti and Porcupines

“fixing emblazoned zones and fiery poles” ~ Wallace Stevens in

    “The Idea of Order at Key West”

If I composed in music, I would fix

Its tones like amber set on fire and launch

The rhythms into space.  The notes would mix

With flames at poles.  Tourniquets could not staunch

The bleeding of its beauty or its might.

Those measures in their loveliness above

The ice would banish darkness and its night.

But I am writing poetry of love

And death.  There are no melodies.  No sweep

Of orchestras in conflagration set

The night time skies with violins or steep

Chords.  None prepares for trumpet’s brass regret.

..Men write in stanzas, words, and lines

….Of thought.  Men write emotions with spines.