Ashoka Insists with Hard Things

Ashoka Insists with Hard Things

The Maski iteration edict

Maski edict (detail) ~ Wikipedia

An emperor gives commands and they are carved

In stone a thousand miles away.  A bulge

Of rock gives overhang defence.  Once starved

Of contact with him, people now indulge

His hacked in words by just ignoring them

As mutely and calmly as his wife

Puts up with him.  She lifts his royal hem

And lets him have his way.  His fleshy knife

Thrusts upward and engraves another son

Inside her.  Both of them will just abide

Him since they must, akin to everyone

Beneath his edict on that mountainside.

..Old habits win.  Folk still get on with things

….Despite their hot as incense whimsied kings.