Arthur Rimbaud – Encyclopedie Larousse

      Arthur Rimbaud –

Encyclopedie Larousse


Divide his face in half.  The side seen on
The viewer’s left is broader, narrow-eyed
And fuller lipped, the eyebrow wider drawn
By God—or whoever.  Jekyll and Hyde
Are called to mind since this side with crimped,
Disfigured-looking ear surmounted by
Unruliness of hair like cowlicks pimped
Out, out extremely lest we miss the high
Impression of the raucousness of soul
Looks far more evil than the other half.
The cruelty of the mouth is utter, whole
And swollen lipped.  It’s pouty and a gaffe.
..The right-hand side is beautiful and mild
….But then sewn onto to something gaunt and wild.