Animalerie Vilmorin, 8 quai de la Megisserie, Paris

Animalerie Vilmorin, 8 quai de la Megisserie, Paris

The kitten, gray and striped with black, sat on
Her haunches as she kneaded in the fur
Of sister’s side. The sister gave a yawn
And tried to suckle. If there was a purr
We couldn’t hear it through the glass. The cage
The shop displayed them in was large enough
To give them space for being chatons. Their age
Was iffy. Each petite example, fluff

And tiny paws and drowsy lids, looked
At us through panes and barely noticed our
Attention. They were caught in bliss. They hooked
Us with their cherie claws. They had that power.
..Obscene the prices asked, but, shrug, those eyes
….Were worth it. Buying them would be tres wise.