After the Storm the Council Chopped Up the Birch

After the Storm the Council Chopped Up the Birch


Modern poetry  modern verse contemporary poetry  contemporary verse  modern poem  contemporary poem

Quite like that birch tree on the nearby green,

Chuck stood both tall and slim, and black and white.

He leaned a bit too gently, in between

A lean and not.  The blackness wasn’t blight

So much as human.  At his top his hair

Was leaves-like beautiful, though not like them,

More like what leaves would want to be, a flair

Of curls.  On every tree like him each stem

Would beckon and each branch would send out

Sex vibes.  He leaned towards everyone in one

Slight sway, a bit, enough to make all pout.

The problem was he needed chop chop fun—

Unlike the tree.  But God took care of tree

And Chuck in Christ’s fierce banging stormy spree.

Phillip Whidden